
Life of mine

I wear What I wear on my soul, the sins of my spirits, the undisguised love of my ancestors, the unfulfilled wishes of my dreams. Wherever I go, wherever I stay, in the stranger of my heart, in the most beautiful city of the world, without greetings from the story’s I disappear. One day One day, every night in the morning, what will come, I will go to her, but for peace, love or power, I will not say, love overcomes everything, power is in people, and peace in the soul, That's why I hope that day will come when I can approach her, day I hope it will be soon. Scent One scent, pervasive as the whole world. The scent of her, her hair that covers my face. The smell is   like the garden of the most beautiful roses in the world. A smell without which you can not. The smell that fills you the day. The scent that calls your name. The smell of her is all I need. The smell that smoke from chimneys always knows for a while disapear. Became black or be whi

How to be happy

There is somebody in need, Someone with a broken heart. There are someone in love, And someone with sin. There is someone that works, and someone that begs. But also there is someone who is happy, Happier than it should be. There is an ant happier than men, There is a fly happier than a child. There is a world, Sometimes happier than Us.


Break it, fake it, think it, take it, and go away. until sun rise on horizont, And moon disappear. And all sea creature disappear, under sea waves. Taking just a glimpse , Following the dark.

Book selling

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Beautiful green, blue, red or dark. The eyes are the look in our soul. We could be the best, But our eyes tell the truth. Our words are more real, The rain on our hair is more real. Our days are more beautiful, And our loved ones are more, More close to our heart. Buy it on Amazon or Lulu


The sun is coming up. People are asleep. The beauty of the sky I can only see. And be happy. During the sun is high, my heart is quiet. My soul is open and happy. Be happy when you use it. Be sure to not avoid it. And be proud to have the opportunity to be here at this moment. So your soul can be fulfilled Buy it on Amazon or Lulu    

Usual poetry life

Simplicity, understandable and sincere, is the main characteristic of these songs that penetrate the heart, and are thought-provoking. Currently, the publication of a new collection of songs shows his development as a poet since 2011 years, and focuses on the humble people, and the hard life lived in this world. Taking into consideration that we live in a world that is not safe any more, every step we make may be the last. Hope you will find the encouragement to go forward, and continue to live with full heart.Taking one step a day, hoping that it will not be the last ,and hoping to break the silence in this world, taking us to another new world that doesn't depend on politicians, and the people whom we don't know but to a world that depends on us and our convictions.Can we go further explaining that someone lives among us who is not sincere,or we will take a step more and say that we are all the same, but the differences are in believings? Taking us one new decade